

列奥纳多·达·芬奇的素描勾勒从意大利城堡的城墙,宣布修复专家们在一个精致的壁画进行工作由文艺复兴时期的大师。15世纪的最原始的一幅画,这幅壁画涵盖了萨拉的拱顶和墙壁米兰Asse在斯福尔扎城堡。它depticts花园绿廊由16个桑树黄金捆绑在一起,结绳。每棵树的树干上升作为列支持16 half-moon-shaped空间哥特式拱顶以上,产生一个令人回味的,虚构的树林。现在修理师可以把光的额外部分原创作品,可能进一步洞察达芬奇的视觉高度象征性的装饰。在1498年被委任的工作米兰公爵,玛丽亚·斯福尔扎鲁绰号摩洛(沼泽)和执行的莱昂纳多,当时法庭的艺术家,他的助手。专家认为主的手可以检测到在一个单色的壁画在东北和西北角落的房间。显然未完成工作描述了坚固的根通过岩石破裂。”这幅壁画的大部分地区可以恢复下几层粉饰,”的Opificio Pietre由于显示本身(门诊部当)佛罗伦萨基础研究所进行恢复,在一份报告中写道。初步分析产生“非常有趣的结果,”贷款希望工作将恢复”的重要部分准备图纸,“Marco Ciatti门诊部当艺术品修复研究所的负责人,说。 Leonardo’s work in the Sala delle Asse, or Room of the Planks (after the wood panels that lined it) has remained largely unknown. In 1499 Milan was conquered by the French who stormed the castle. In 1706, when Milan was under the Austrian rule, the castle became soldier barracks and the Sala delle Asse was turned into a stable, its walls covered with abundant layers of whitewash. The arboreal decoration remained hidden beneath up to 13 layers of paint until 1893, when renovations to the castle revealed traces of frescoes. In 1901, amid much criticism, the mural was heavily restored. Only in 1954, the paint applied during the disastrous restoration was finally removed. But damage to Leonardo’s work remained. “The mural is covered by a thick layer of grime. However, our cleaning tests indicate that it can be easily removed. Leonardo’s paint won’t be damaged in the procedure,” the restorers wrote. Meanwhile, archival research also revealed the room’s original name. It was called “Camera dei Moroni” — a clear allusion to Ludovico il Moro. Indeed Leonardo’s decoration is filled with punning allusions. The mulberry, or Morus tree, refers to the Duke’s well known nickname, Il Moro, the Moor. The tree is also a symbol for the Milanese silk industry – mulberries were cultivated in the region as food for the silkworm. “This restoration is extremely important to fully understand Leonardo’s work,” Milan culture councillor Filippo Del Corno said. “The project will last two years, ending just in time for the Milan’s Expo 2015,” he added.

